Mindful Massage & Wellness, LLC
Debra L. Maher, LMT


Here at Mindful Massage & Wellness, LLC, I believe that a sixty-minute massage means just that - 60 minutes of hands-on time - the clock starts with the first physical contact from the therapist, not when you walk in the door, like someplace where you actually only get 50 minutes or less of actual massage time! My clients are never rushed in and out the door. There is no pressure to buy packages, memberships to join, and up-selling of massage add-ons.

There is plenty of time between scheduled appointments, so everyone has ample time to come in, address your current concerns with me, change, get your massage, and review any findings or recommendations afterward. After all, part of the reason you are coming is to relax, right? No rushing or hard selling here, just serenity, pain relief, and bliss.